875, 1165, 1750 Adjustable Force

Stainless Steel Gas Springs - Corrosion-Resistant Reducible-Force Gas Springs - Maxum Hardware is proud to be an online distributor of Ameritool Manufacturing gas springs, dampers and tension springs. 316 stainless steel adjustable force gas springs are a powerhouse capable of lifting up to 1200 Lbs. There are no tools required; it just provides trouble free and practical support for years. Gas spring components are in stock and ready for immediate assembly. Order online now.

Ameritool 875- 2 Gas Spring
Product Name Rod Dia (d) Cylinder Dia (D) Stroke (A) Extended Length (L) Compressed Length (CL) End Detail Force Price Buy Now
Ameritool 875- 2 Gas Spring 0.375 0.875 2.0 6.75 4.75 8mm Male Thread 20-240Lbs From $110.42 Buy Now
Ameritool 875- 4 Gas Spring 0.375 0.875 4.0 10.75 6.75 8mm Male Thread 20-240Lbs From $118.00 Buy Now
Ameritool 875- 6 Gas Spring 0.375 0.875 6.0 14.75 8.75 8mm Male Thread 20-240Lbs From $124.93 Buy Now
Ameritool 875- 8 Gas Spring 0.375 0.875 8.0 18.75 10.75 8mm Male Thread 20-240Lbs From $109.76 Buy Now
Ameritool 875-10 Gas Spring 0.375 0.875 10.0 22.75 12.75 8mm Male Thread 20-240Lbs From $137.53 Buy Now
Ameritool 875-12 Gas Spring 0.375 0.875 12.0 26.75 14.75 8mm Male Thread 20-240Lbs From $116.88 Buy Now
Ameritool 875-14 Gas Spring 0.375 0.875 14.0 30.75 16.75 8mm Male Thread 20-240Lbs From $147.84 Buy Now
Ameritool 875-16 Gas Spring 0.375 0.875 16.0 34.75 18.75 8mm Male Thread 20-240Lbs From $153.85 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165- 2 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 2.0 8.0 6.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $135.66 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165- 4 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 4.0 12.0 8.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $143.42 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165- 6 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 6.0 16.0 10.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $151.75 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165- 8 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 8.0 20.0 12.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $169.11 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165-10 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 10.0 24.0 14.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $200.30 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165-12 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 12.0 28.0 16.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $219.49 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165-14 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 14.0 32.0 18.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $229.80 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165-16 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 16.0 36.0 20.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $240.04 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165-20 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 20.0 44.0 24.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $260.55 Buy Now
Ameritool-1165-24 Gas Spring 0.562 1.165 24.0 52.0 28.0 10mm Male Thread 75-500Lbs From $275.12 Buy Now
Ameritool-1750- 8 Gas Spring 0.875 1.750 8.0 20.75 12.75 5/8-11 Male Thread 200-1,200Lbs From $522.11 Buy Now
Ameritool-1750-10 Gas Spring 0.875 1.750 10.0 24.75 14.75 5/8-11 Male Thread 200-1,200Lbs From $551.14 Buy Now
Ameritool-1750-12 Gas Spring 0.875 1.750 12.0 28.75 16.75 5/8-11 Male Thread 200-1,200Lbs From $580.13 Buy Now
Ameritool-1750-16 Gas Spring 0.875 1.750 16.0 36.75 20.75 5/8-11 Male Thread 200-1,200Lbs From $637.59 Buy Now
Ameritool-1750-20 Gas Spring 0.875 1.750 20.0 44.75 24.75 5/8-11 Male Thread 200-1,200Lbs From $725.18 Buy Now
Ameritool-1750-24 Gas Spring 0.875 1.750 24.0 52.75 28.75 5/8-11 Male Thread 200-1,200Lbs From $754.18 Buy Now
Ameritool-1750-30 Gas Spring 0.875 1.750 30.0 62.75 34.75 5/8-11 Male Thread 200-1,200Lbs From $826.67 Buy Now
Ameritool_1165-BOK - Bleed Off Kit From $398.00 Buy Now
Ameritool_1750-BOK - Bleed Off Kit From $398.00 Buy Now
Ameritool_875-BOK - Bleed Off Kit From $398.00 Buy Now
Ameritool_Adjustable Gas Springs - Recharge From $58.00 Buy Now
_Ameritool 1165-ADP Adapter From $68.00 Buy Now
_Ameritool 1750-ADP Adapter From $68.00 Buy Now
_Ameritool 875-ADP Adapter From $68.00 Buy Now
_Ameritool ACV300 Adapter From $95.58 Buy Now
_Ameritool Break In Fee From $125.00 Buy Now
_Ameritool TV-3000 Adapter From $12.88 Buy Now
Displaying 1 to 35 (of 35 products) Result Pages:  1 


Ameritool Products are subject to the Legal Terms and conditions as well as the Gas Spring Guidelines of Ameritool Mfg., Inc. Please see www.ameritoolmfg.com for these Terms and Guidelines. Extreme duty; tested range: -40‚°F to 300‚°F (-40‚°C to 148‚°C). Product length tolerance is ‚± .08 in. (2.0 mm). Tolerance is + 5% of the nominal force. Maximum piston speed is approximately 12 in. /sec. (.3 m/sec). Fast operation rates lead to excessive heat build-up resulting in internal seal damage. Gas springs are filled with oil and are under pressure. Please dispose of properly. Do not puncture or open. It is the responsibility of the customer to determine all required dimensions. Mount gas springs rod down. Provide physical stops to limit the spring's extremes. Do not scratch, dent, chip, bend or paint the rod. Do not puncture or incinerate. User is responsible for determining whether the Maxum Hardware product is fit for a particular purpose and suitable for user's application. Except where prohibited by law, Maxum Hardware and seller will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from the Maxum Hardware product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential, regardless of the theory asserted, including warranty, contract, negligence or strict liability.

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